I recently gave a client a quote for $30 per year less than their current insurance carrier. Another quote came in at only $6 less per month.
So, how can I claim to have saved those insureds a substantial amount of money? And, why did they purchase their insurance from me?
The policies I quoted provide them with better coverage with higher limits of insurance (needed in both cases) at lower deductibles. So while at first glance the effort of changing hardly seems worth the effort, in reality, they are saving hundreds of dollars per year and have greater peace of mind.
The majority of my clients are saving from $100 to $500 per year. When the companies I represent offer them better coverage for those savings, I am confident when I ask. . .
If I could save YOU a substantial amount of money on your insurance, would you be interested in a quote?
Providing clients with this double kind of savings makes my job doubly rewarding.